1) So excited to see what students will come up with for their virtual unit assessment.
Using hexagons to make connections between concepts. Allows student choice & to show depth in their answers.

Might be a tough mark, but will really show what they have learned 🧠

Template link: https://gecdsb-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/20209_publicboard_ca/EQvod9xYs_pHqS1KkMzutbsB8z_JymsxBnC88tQw8t8FUQ?e=ovLIov

HINT: create hexagons with terms, save as images & use images in file - Ss can't change words & easier to manipulate on template

Shout out to @MisterW68 for getting me started with hexagons.
- Share PPT with Ss in @OneNoteEDU
- Ss download & edit
- Upload PPT OR screen shot of completed template
- Complete explanation chart in OneNote
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