if you want a) and b) simultaneously you get the basis for a science fiction horror scenario and that's a Bad Thing unless you're a Gendo Ikari type
"individuals might experience episodic segments of the lives of other willing participants (locally or remote) to, hopefully, encourage and inspire improved understanding and tolerance among all members of the human family" uh nope sorry
this goes to my periodic complaint about global villages vs. global cities. cities are anonymous places full of wary people that, after certain conditions are met, can become lifelong friends.... https://twitter.com/tznkai/status/1346836780209856512
villages are places ruled by grandmas who, whatever the ethnicity or nationality, have intelligence networks that rival the KGB
making a city bigger doesn't make it inherently worse. making a village bigger ALWAYS does
McLuhan meant "global village" to be a caution but no one listened because it sounded like a good buzzword
"We now have the means to keep everybody under surveillance. No matter what part of the world they are in, we can put them under surveillance. This has become one of the main occupations of mankind, just watching other people and keeping a record of their goings on"
"Ordinary people find the need for violence as they lose their identities. It is only the threat to people’s identity that makes them violent."
these are all McLuhan quotes from a 1977 interview where he talks about the global village metaphor and other topics
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