My predictions for the next 2 years:

•Dems won’t pack SCOTUS. Biden has acknowledged the damage that would do long term.

•DC statehood won’t happen (maybe retrocession); there are plenty of Dems who don’t support naked power grabs. PR statehood is a possibility.
•Expanded socialized medicine is a real possibility.

•Gun confiscations may be attempted, but likely be fought in the courts.

•A certain degree of college loan forgiveness may occur, however, messaging will be an issue (disguising a regressive policy as “progressive”).
•Targeted attacks on the TCJA. Expect the corp tax rate & top marginal tax rates to increase.

That’s all at the federal level.

At the state level, it’s a whole other ballgame:

•Massive overhauls of state voting laws. Expect state to adopt something akin to FL’s laws
•An unprecedented number of state AGs suing the federal gov. I mean, it will get stupid. Everything the feds do will incur a lawsuit to slow things down, regardless of how frivolous.

•Red states will pass gun laws increasingly out of line with federal laws.
As for the GOP (this is mostly hopeful thinking):

•It’s time to stop running “national” candidates; GOP will run candidates which speak to their district, that’s it.

•Massive minority and female candidate recruitment.
•De-emphasis on polarizing social issue, shift to issue which the GOP has real conservative answers which are broadly appealing (CJR, school choice, dismantling public employee unions (center the latter around police unions, quietly slip teachers’ unions in with them)).
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