Im actually in awe this morning that we are actually gonna have Democrats in control of the senate. Id like to take this moment to send my condolences to the Democratic Party for the loss of their excuses as we go forward hopefully more can actually get done and get help.
To everyone that went out there in Georgia and voted at all the US appreciates it and change will happen because you put your voices out there on the line by voting and making it out to the polls. Voting mattered this year more then any other years in recent history.
Remember just cause Mitch McConnell is not gonna be senate majority leader anymore it doesn't mean that things will change over night. Going forward it's gonna be super important to hold people responsible that will try to make a mockery of democracy today and everything onward.
If this election has taught me anything between this and the presidential election its that it's super important to get out there and vote and keep up with current issues. It's important to call bullshit out when we see it and make change happen ourselves, make this world better.
With Covid and everything going on this year still too and everything its also important to be smart about handling the virus and wearing a mask, socially distancing if you can and getting tested when you can. It's more important now to keep up with people and reach out more.
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