tw // manipulation

u have to understand that while dream can try, techno is a natural skeptic and not a 16 year old child that just lost all of his friends. he also views his relationship w dream as a partnership, not a friendship.
it's not gonna be like with tommy
tw // manipulation
/dsmp /rp

techno and dream have a common goal right now, which is why they are working together.
neither depends on the other emotionally, which is why dream CANT do what he did with tommy.
tw // manipulation
maybe I didnt have to keep putting the warning but I'm being safe

if techno barely trusted tommy, who betrayed him (by his standards), hes not about to be open to trusting dream the same way
// manipulation
do u need 2 keep putting tags in threads or did I just need it for the top

it's just silly to me to see people saying dream is gonna do the same thing with techno that he did with tommy
bc unless they wrote it in (which wouldnt make sense), he CANT
that's all
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