Thread: sexual morality

Its funny how the most girls who complain about being a maqur axchik arent maqur axchik themselves (not saying that this girl is one of them).

These girls are poorly raised & do not understand the importance of saving yourself for the one that loves you.
Valuing your intimacy and not sharing it with everyone is vital for having a healthy marriage & healthy perception of what love is. There is a good reason why promiscuity causes so much misery in the more Western liberal countries (higher divorces, teen pregnancies & degeneracy)
Thats why "slut-shaming" is vital.

We need healthy collective moralism to counter degeneracy and social harm that promiscuity causes on the levels of family, culture, perception of love and relationships.

Self-destructive behaviour shouldnt be encouraged or normalized.
Men & women are not the same if it comes to the effects of sexuality (emotional & biologic aspects). Armenian fathers are more protectionistic towards their daughters against male predators & external social decay. The selective neo-feminism doesnt provide any solution for this.
While trad-culture understands the present nature between the two sexes far more realistically - generally speaking men hunt for either "easy" women or for serious relationships, while women bear the higher responsibilty who they let in (how they present themselves is crucial).
Another thing is that promiscuous lifestyle also damages women more severely since they dont have the same filter of men. This also affects family life: the more bed partners a female had (before marriage) the more chance there is that her marriage will end up in a divorce.
Shaming thingd likr sex work, promiscuity & sexual degeneracy is crucial to build a society in which women are not mentally, physically and emotionally harmed by the false belief that these are valid and “healthy” choices to make. We as Armenians need to raise our girls better.
There are many other harmful psychologic & social implications that hook-up culture has brought on the modern society (teen pregnancies, single motherhood, increasing divorces, depression/midlife-crisis), so why would we change our culture for this soulless & lowlife mentality?
Also dont follow neo-feminism & sexual "revolution" kexht like a sheep without understanding the intentions of it.

Do deep research on how this phenomenon is more widely pushed/intensified in the current era. There is a reason why the elite promotes this through media/education.
You underestimate the influence of social-engineering, corporate interests & mass conditioning that manipulated your thought-proces if it comes to why you think having higher moralism & Christian idea of marriage is wrong. This deconstruction proces isnt formed naturally at all.
We need to thank God that we Armenians have Christian morality incorporated in our culture & have our own "Kavkaz/Anatolian" family values/honour codes

Hay men dont be weak cucks and protect your women and teach them respect

Hay women protect your dignity & value your intimacy.
We are Armenians and need to stay Armenian in our traditional values (there is a good reason why we follow them), we decide what progress is & not white liberals from the West. Dont become like them.

Refind your roots instead of changing it for your own comfort (identity crisis)
If you think that there is any honour in having a mother that was a known putanka of the neighbourhood or a slutty sister who is easy to get in bed (which even your friends can make use of), then you're culturally not an Armenian but have a soul & morality of a white liberal.
Shaming is a moral good when the thing you shame is toxic, destructive & dysfunctional. Shaming alone can keep people on the right path. To view non-judgemental tolerance as an absolute moral good is foolish. Because being non-judgementally permissive, aids & abets degeneracy.
The Sexual Revolution brought us

- the Pill & meaningless sex without love

- klling the worth of intimacy

- the disconnect between sex & responsibility

- a soulless rampant hook-up & divorce culture

- more unwanted pregnancies & more abortions (a lot of innocent dead babies)
- the single-mother home which produces slutty daughters that resent strong men and weakened feminized sons

- Women who think that having a carriere & f* around in the meantime is the epitome of the perfect life but end up having midlife crisis/existential void in their mid 30s
This isn't progress

Pro sex left hedonism is a patriarchal Trojan horse to make women more available for sexual male predators who only want to make use of the womans body to fulfil their lust and their sexual appetite. If you call this empowerment then I have bad news for you.
The left in the core approaches everything as consumers, so naturally they choose to consume things that capitalist propaganda tells them are cool and revolutionary (even tho they claim to be against the modern day capitalism) and that includes the "woke" subjugation of women.
Being "sexually liberal" aka a hedonist, doesn't make you enlightened or progressive. Neither hedonism nor polyamory is progressive. To suggest otherwise is laughable. Animals have sex with whoever and whenever they want, they are low-IQ primitives living in the forests and all.
There is a reason that we humans differ from them (conscience > primal urges).

The most important notion is that women with higher partner counts are exponentially more likely to cheat and to instigate divorce. So why would any reasonable man with honour not want a maqur axchik?
Men don't like women who have been with many men & this comes from rational reasons. Women can do what they want, but they can't expect from men to accept their whorish past. We have the right to dislike them without being restricted to do so (we don't care if you're offended).
Remember that not everyone believes in moral relativism. There are objective standards for what is good & bad. Some things are indeed better than others. Some cultures are better than others, some lifestyles are better than others, same physical and mental states are better.
If you ascribe to the "well we all have different experiences, you don't know what's good for someone else" worldview, then you clearly don't care about the collective well being of our society

Thats why we need aspire to be a better nation & protect our culture from degeneracy.
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