New year, new rules! Texas lawyers, read TRCP 194 regarding supplanting of "Requests for Disclosures" by "Required Disclosures." Initial Disc's are due 30 days after D's answer deadline. 1/ #lawtwitter
In divorces, the ID must include all real estate docs, insurance policies, retirement accounts, and the most recent bank statements. In SAPCR cases or when spousal support is requested, it must include insurance policies, tax returns and documents, and paystubs. 2/
Tip 1: Consider whether to delay temp injunction or FL TO hearings until after ID's are produced.
Tip 2: Be ready to file protective order motions to halt/abate discovery if the other side's ID's are incomplete or tantamount to no answers (ie. "Will supplement.") 3/
These changes necessitate a rethinking of traditional pre-filing preparation and the race to the courthouse.
Warning! Civil case ID's should be thorough, to avoid facing sanctions motions alleging "no good faith basis" arising from thin ID responses. 4/4
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