A curious thing about past 4 years has been MAGA voters demanding unwavering loyalty from GOP to Trump but not demanding Trump be loyal to GOP. Even a modest critique of Trump's policies or style was tantamount to betrayal, but it was OK for him to condemn/endanger fellow GOPers.
While Trump-centric voters did grow the GOP, he wouldn't have won in 2016 or come close in 2020 without mainline Republicans voting for him, even if they didn't like him.

It seems there's no admission that a MAGA vote and mainline GOP vote count the same at the ballot box.
Bottom line: you can't build a party off a single person. What was going to happen if Trump won re-election and had to leave in 4 years anyway? Would that have just been the end of the GOP?

The GOP needs to come together under some common principles. That's the hard part.
I think the vast majority of Republicans (and neither NeverTrump nor MAGA represent this group, FWIW) want to keep what works with Trump and lose what doesn't. And isn't that the healthy way to approach politics -- the way that wins in policy and elections?
NeverTrumpers need to see MAGA as human beings with legitimate, substantiated fears about the direction of the country who deserve respect and to be heard.

MAGA needs to acknowledge that Trump isn't the end all, be all of GOP politics - and no person should be.
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