I found a list of 34 Canadian Healthcare workers names who died of COVID-19.
I’m going to research each and memorialize them in a🧵here.
It’s hard to face. Please mute this thread if you can’t deal with this just now.
Dr. Huy Hao Dao, Sherbrooke,QC

Vietnamese Canadian physician, pharmacist & researcher/academic.

The department of public health for the region said Dao will be remembered by his colleagues "for his competence, his dedication & his perpetual smile.”

He is remembered by #canada
Christine Mandegarian
PSW, 54 working for Sienna at Atamount Care Community
Beloved mother of 2, wife of 34 years
She died alone and it really hurts her family. She gave her all for the LTC residents she cared for.
Christine is remembered by #Canada
Victoria Salvan
64, PSW in Montreal under CUPE
Former teacher from 🇵🇭. Colleagues describe her as a hard worker who loved the residents. Victoria worked hard to pay for her kids education and was about to retire.
Victoria is remembered by #Canada

Tragically another PSW in #LTC has lost her life to COVID-19. 😢 https://twitter.com/adamsseana/status/1346834286167683074
Stéphanie Tessier was only in her early 30s. She had been working for more than 10 years as a patient attendant in LTC in Saint-Jerome, QC. Her union provided $25,000 worth of visors to the caregivers because the home provided poor quality equipment.
She was loved. We remember
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