Now that Democrats have control of most of the levers of government for at least two years this will be a defining moment to see if they hold any of the values they and their defenders claim that they do.
If they can’t at the very least:

-provide impactful stimulus $ w/out means testing

-debt cancellation (medical & academic)

-meaningful action on healthcare, more than “fixing the ACA”

-massive financial regulation and tax reform

-a sea-change surge in climate action
-expanding the court including the federal judiciary/SC

-reduction of the military budget and a stop to arms sales to SA if no one else.

-the supposedly sweeping police reforms they claim will fix the unfixable

-dismantle Bush era racist immigration enforcement (ICE/CBP)
They’ll have no one to blame for their ineptitude and lack of courage, and they’ll be revealed as nothing other than more genteel and mannered conservatives. I don’t like these people but I care more about what I can get out of them than their failure so I hope they step up.
This is not a list of everything we need or what my policy goals are, it’s a bare minimum incomplete list of what Democrats have been claiming they want to do but can’t ever since they lost control of all 3 branches. We can’t expect any less than this from them.
Feel free to add to this thread what you’d like to see them do and just as importantly what you plan to hold them accountable for *not* doing.
Should have added electoral reform and restoration of the VRA (or ideally a new more comprehensive one) to this list.
You can follow @della_morte_.
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