Some clarification about my perspectives regarding a return to in-person learning in ON #onted 🧵. To me, it seems clueless that @fordnation and @Sflecce refuse to support/consider modifications to the current school plan as situational awareness has evolved. /1
There should have been/needs to be a plan that is transparent and adaptable so that teachers and caregivers can plan, know what to expect and why, and are provided all of the necessary supports to make it through a defined period of virtual learning. /2
In the context of in-person learning - that means a plan that can escalate/support in-school measures according to the community context to keep students and educators safe given the predictable increase in the number of school introductions we will see /3
In the absence of a modified plan, and rising community transmission - keeping schools virtual until at least January 23 while some sort of plan is developed to support return to in-person learning as quickly as possible should be the priority. /4
It is yet again, a failure of provincial leadership that has led to this situation. We said that schools but would last to close but that is not what we have done. We are forcing kids to pay the price for the poor decisions of adults which is unforgivable. /5
I am going to write some very specific examples of things we should be doing between now and January 23, 2021 and why we should be doing them later today. Stay tuned. /6
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