2) Neon Revolt has forced a new perception. He has forced me to walk around a beloved topic of mine, of ours, and has forced me to look at it from its hellacious dark side. It's shadow. The topic is our reawakening as a nation of patriots. The slumbering giant slumbers no more.
3) From 2016 until this day, every time I've seen that thought cross my mind's view screen, I have smiled. And I have believed in us, in U.S. This is the sunny side of the street. A new day in America. And I have been grateful, so grateful to our great leader. And not shy either.
4) I will share that it was a dark shadow that my patriotism reemerged from. When I announced my Trump support in social media - Facebook back then - the vicious attack I came under hardened my heart. The lost of consulting revenue enraged my soul. It wasn't right.
5) It was a David Farragut moment for me, damn the torpedoes. I could never have imagined the type of attack I came under during that fateful year. It was this shadow, this darkness of evil that was there at the very moment of my own political awakening.
6) Reading Neon Revolt's 3 articles this morning, after @KateScopelliti guided me to them, I discovered a new shadow land. Not new in its existence, new in my own perception. I can now see the shadow that I did not see before.
7) We are told that at times in history various warriors have quite literally eaten the eyes of their fallen enemies in order to be able to see themselves as their enemy saw them. This is a haunting act to contemplate, isn't it? That's what Neon Revolt made me do, today.
8) Where we see the rise of the MAGA Movement as a moment in American history filled with saving grace, and redemptive of our nation, our people, our very culture, our enemies do not see it that way. For them, the sleeping giant reawakened is the worst event of their lives.
9) The villains in Neon Revolt's story are Rod Rosenstein and Vice President Mike Pence. Neon Revolt calls, at the end of article 3, for Mike Pence's arrest as a traitor.

Even typing, I must pause and look at those words before I hit "Tweet." Not from fear for self.
10) I faced my fear when I decided to post all my political thinking under my own actual name. Please don't get me wrong. I have ABSOLUTE respect for those, like Neon, who chose the route of anonymity. They are likely far wiser than I.
11) It was really my hardening that made the choice for me. In the America I fight for, no one would ever have to be afraid of personal repercussions from their honestly held political beliefs, share widely in the public square of debate and the battle of ideas.
12) Neon says Mike Pence must be arrested for treason.

Those words. Those are stunning even to me.

Even to me? I have never once been a Mike Pence fan. And, I have often judged him more harshly than I cared to express, but I am on record. Not a Pence fan.
13) No need to review any of the details. I simply knew that @GenFlynn was innocent when Mike Pence was trashing him on FOX. That I never forgave, and obviously, never forgot. I've shared this recently, I came up with a scenario to offer Pence some grace.
14) My scenario turned Pence into a gullible victim of the selfsame liars who set Flynn up. Foolishly, in my scenario, he was taken in by their lies and it was the liars who were the bad guys, Pence just their patsy. I never believed my scenario, that wasn't the point.
15) Coming back to the present, I must immediately state my position, or rather, lack thereof. I do NOT know that Neon is right. I do NOT know, and am NOT saying that Pence must be arrested. I am also NOT saying that he shouldn't be. I AM saying, I do not know.
16) Were I in DC, and found myself in a mob heading toward the White House with the intention of protesting that Pence should be arrested, I would disengage and walk away. If I was marching, I would only march for what I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt. I do not know this.
17) The problem is, I fear it. I fear that Neon is 100% right. Be clear...

Fear does NOT = Knowledge

I do not act on fear. I act on knowledge.

But I note and heed my fears, carefully. I am afraid Neon is right.
18) Whether right about Pence or not, we must eat our enemies' eyes on a day like today, and see ourselves as they see us. We are the sleeping giant, and we were supposed to stay asleep.

For all my work on analysis, I just hadn't seen it that way till today.
19) A term I have used is "existential threat." I have always known that we were an absolutely unmitigated existential threat to the Globalist Cabal in its control over America. I really do get that, always have. What I haven't done is felt their terror, their raw horror over us.
20) I'll tell you someone who does get it. General Thomas McInerney. In his list, that I have termed his 10 Commandments To Save America, he maps out a set of steps addressing the full nature of the cancer metastasized through our nation. He clearly sees.
22) In my line of work, as a coach, more accurately, as Consigliori, I am trained by decades of experience in the art of NOT making decisions. In my work, I never have power, only the power of persuasion, never power of position. My clients have power, I do not.
23) This is by design. It my job to look as dispassionately as possible at even the most passionate of situations; and to keep calm, no matter what. In deep discussion, my Don and I weigh out the options, carefully. We consider objectives as well as unintended consequences.
24) I have taken as a guide for my work a structure I learned in the movie, And The Band Played On. At the CDC, while investigating AIDS, the team leader puts up on a whiteboard these questions:

1) What do we think?
2) What do we know?
3) What can we prove?
25) No action comes from just thinking. Knowledge always leads to action of one form or another, often clandestine. Proof is a public matter. If you can prove something in public, then bold public action is sanctioned.
26) We know that this election was stolen. We do NOT merely think it. We know it. They did it again last night in Georgia. We know that.

Can we prove it? I'm not read in at that level. Besides, how? Our courts are as corrupt as can be. Where do you prove it?
27) In a few minutes, we will turn together to part 2 of this morning's considerations. Knowledge must lead to action, proof or no. We know our nation has suffered treason at the highest levels. Knowing, we must harden our hearts and souls to the actions we must take.
28) I thought about naming today's meditation:

When We Must Harden Our Hearts and Steel Our Souls

No matter how you cut it, if we wish to save America, there is a battle of one form or another in front of us. There's no getting around that.

Back in a bit...
29) Whoops, I forgot to share that when it comes to our think/know/prove questions, the great Peter Navarro offers us extraordinary guidance again. Do check it out, here:

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