Can vaccine mandates ever be justified?

Does this Covid pandemic justify vaccine mandates?

I will try to address this below. ⬇️
Forced vaccination is a crime against humanity and violation of: 1) Nuremberg Code, 2) UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, 3) UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 4) UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The atrocities committed by German doctors during the IIWW resulted in the formulation of the Nuremberg Code, giving individuals the right to voluntary consent.
The bedrock of medical ethics is the principle of informed and voluntary consent with regard to medical treatments. The World Medical Association (WMA) Int. Code of Medical Ethics states: “A physician shall: respect a competent patient’s right to accept or refuse treatment.”
The medical Protection Society says this on consent: “Respect for patient’s autonomy is expressed in consent law; to impose care or treatment on people without respecting their wishes and right to self-determination is not only unethical but illegal.”
Therefore to override this human right would be not just illegal and unethical, but a crime against humanity.
Some would argue that medically, it makes sense for mass vaccination drives to reduce general viral load and opportunities for the virus to mutate. But we thankfully don’t make medical decisions in the absence of ethical and legal consideration.
It may also medically make sense to harvest organs involuntarily from people to save lives of others, but we don’t do that as a society (yet).
To abolish the right to voluntary consent, would require an extreme situation where the world’s pop. was fronted with a truly deadly disease with the potential for enormous loss of life but then mandates wouldn’t be necessary, because the benefits of vacc. would be self-evident.
The administration of any drug, for which death or serious injury is listed as possible side-effects, must be voluntary and never mandated or coerced.
Until it is known with 100% certainty that the vaccines induce immunity and prevent transmission of the virus, there obviously can be no talk of mandates. If the vaccines only reduce symptoms there is no point in forcing them on people with the excuse to ‘protect others’.
Why does everybody need the vaccine with a 99%+ survival rate?
The Covid pandemic, while tragic to those concerned, does clearly not constitute a threat that justifies vaccinating the entire world's population or abolishing the fundamental human right to decide what happens to our bodies.
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