I'd love to attend the #aiascs Pompeii session this morning but I dont attend manels. https://aia-scs-2021.secure-platform.com/a/gallery/rounds/4/schedule/items/1118 So instead, I will talk about the work only of women on Pompeii this morning for our @PleiadesProject place of the day: https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/433032 . #adfines @womnknowhistory
First, let us address the work of Dr. @pompei79, who is one of the sharpest but also kindest people in the field. She has been an archaeologist for almost 20 years and used to work on the Insula I.9 Pompeii Project for the British School at Rome @the_bsr https://pompei79.wordpress.com/about/ 
Another person that Matthew D. Selheimer, @mselheimer, could have invited to this manel is Dr. @VivianLaughlin. She is a 2019-21 Fulbright International Post-Doctoral Fellow Researcher & works on the Cult of Isis & Serapis––including Pompeii. https://www.vivianalaughlin.com/p/publications.html #citeasista
To put a final pin on this, I want to note that following the panel Prof. @rgvennarucci let me know that she was a co-author on one of the papers although she was not listed online or in the bulletin. Please read her work and follow her! https://www.google.com/search?q=vennarucci%20pompeii&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m https://twitter.com/rgvennarucci/status/1346880278795591680
Although the panel speakers were all male we absolutely can and should have a debate about what a manel means if there is a woman who co-authors as was the case today. I also appreciate the feedback on contingent faculty issues. I simply want to read, hear, and cite women’s work!
You can follow @SarahEBond.
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