Rowan Atkinson stands by the principle of free speech as he did before a few years back.

Then he was lauded a champion.

Now the media is attacking him.

It's the media that loves cancel culture, it gives them clicks and views.
and YES cancel culture does exist.

No it's not "consequences" as it is wholly disproportionate to destroy someone's social life and ability to have a career because you don't like what they say.

It is not illegal to disagree, or criticise, or call someone a fucking twat.
It is NOT illegal to hold different principles to someone else. It is NOT illegal to be consistent in those principles.

And to those who say "why's he complaining, no one is cancelling Mr Bean" It is completely possible to empathise with those who are affected even if you aren't
In the end it all comes down to if you want to be free to speak YOUR mind, if you DO then demanding others DON'T is hypocritical, inconsistent and unprincipled.

In short, you're a shit human being who wants your own ideas to be privileged over those of someone else.
Why do people demand ideas contrary to their own are silenced?

Because they're unable to defend their principles consistently, preferring to categorise dissent as "violence and harm", so they don't have to.

It's an old trick, popularised by organised religion.
It's sinners and saints. That's why there is also a rise in Virtue Signalling. Where people constantly profess their "goodness" by disparaging people based on race, gender or sexuality in order to be viewed as "one of the good ones"

No one who seeks that label is EVER good.
"Believe this or you're a sinner and will be damned"

Well as hell does not exist they do they only thing they know how. They make life for the sinner immediately unliveable, putting them in their own personal hell of poverty, ostracism and constant abuse from the mob.
Supporters of Cancel Culture and those who profess it does not exist in their typically disingenuous fashion live to bully and make others afraid to challenge them.

Cave to the mob and you give these bullies a free pass.
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