is Athiesm accepted in Sanatan dharma? [A thread]
First of all we need to understand what Athiesm means.
Athiesm : Rejection of God/deity/ishwara

This is what we all know
But the word Nastika which is often translated to Athiest means a person who rejects vedas.
Furthermore there are texts that focuses on supremacy of Eternal Atma
So by Conclusion
Athiesm in proper context :
Rejection of God
Rejection of Atma
Manusmriti asks us to avoid Athiesm.
Usana smriti Chapter 2 tells to to avoid such people.
Company of Non believer should be avoided as brahma vaivart Purāṇa
If Athiesm was part of our dharma then yajnavalkya smriti would have declared it.
Now why A person should not be an Athiest?
By becoming Athiest and Rejecting Atma , God. He will eventually part ways from Karma, Gyan, Bhakti.
He will become a materialist and live a hedonistic life.
Our texts show importance of Karma , Gyan , Bhakti.
Example in Uddhava gita :
Importance of Gyan in Shiva Samhita :
Importance of Bhakti in Uddhava gita.
Importance of Karma in Uddhava gita.
Importance of these 3 paths proves that Athiesm is meaningless in Sanatan dharma unless you want to live a hedonistic life.
And bhagvad gita condemns such people.(Shankarcharya's commentary)
श्वेताश्वतर ऋषि ने तप के प्रभाव से और उस देव की ही कृपा से ब्रह्म को जाना तथा ऋषियों द्वारा सेवित उस परम पवित्र ब्रह्मतत्त्व का उन्होंने आश्रम के सुपात्रों को उपदेश दिया ॥२१॥.

Oh no! Shvetashvatara Upanishad cancelled Athiesm.
And before anyone says tantra allows it. Here Kularnava tantra condemns such initiated kaulikas who do not worship.
So Conclusion :
1.Athiesm is meaningless in Sanatan dharma.
2. It was never allowed or part of our dharma
And no our darshans are not Athiests in any nature they accept Vedas as pramanas.
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