This, in my opinion, is due to our history of colonisation.

We haven't, as a country, fully understood the impact of it on our day to day lives nowadays and how it shapes our views.

Does rewilding in Ireland need to encompass this discussion?

Would like to hear your thoughts
Oak woods were harvested for ships
Hedgerows were created because of land acts
Booleying, other indigenous agri lost to time
Cromwell order the last mass cull of wolves, linking them to the wild Irish

We would have had a negative impact on nature too, but to the same extent?
We lost our ecological heritage, but worse than that, we lost our knowledge of our ecological heritage and now see a limited spectrum of nature.

Fair to say?
What I am saying is decolonise your nature and view of nature.
Seems to be a good paper from a quick read through talking to Irish identity and rewilding

Decolonise and rewild!

(Note on one comment: wolves need prey, not woodland)
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