Many traders trade for months without making profits. Even with good technicals and of course good fundamentals. Then why is there no results? I'll explain and give my own time proven way of tracking profits because profits is king... A thread. Stay with me.
Let's assume I decide to fund my account with 1000$. Supposing I grew that account to 1200$, I am to withdraw the 200$ profits and move into a separate account. No trades must touch the 200$.

My balance reverts to 1000$ yes!
trade again and make 100$.
I withdraw that 100$ to the same savings account. My account balance reverts again to 1000$.

Assuming I make a 100$ loss, and balance falls to 900$, I must not bring forth money from my savings account to make up No! I must trade and recover that 100$ first!
Once the account returns to 1000$, I can start moving profits again. Let's be clear. Not everyone can successfully practice compounding by aggression! But a diligent trader can practice compounding in proxy

With the FTX sub account Feature, moving funds is seamlessly done.
Practice this simple steps and watch how compounding in proxy can boost your career.

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