This is a good question. I don't think there will be a reckoning in Germany. To avoid all of this we would have had to act much tougher much faster. It would have involved really painful steps on things like privacy and individual freedom at a time when few people were dying
At the same time, opposition parties didn't really push for tougher measures. Some preferred to stay quiet because the country was (and is) in crisis. Others pushed the government to be less tough. That makes it difficult for opposition parties to push for some sort of reckoning
There's also civil society. If Germany had wanted to introduce even a tenth of the measures South Korea has implemented to manage the pandemic German privacy advocates would have lost their mind. Newspapers would have decried the "corona dictatorship" and "inhumane conditions."
Lastly, more or less every political party is involved in this mess in one way or another because much of the daily management falls to states (and not the central government). That diffusion of power also leads to a diffusion of blame
One other thing: Peer-performance is really important and Germans ignore Asia. They look at other Europeans and the US and feel good about themselves. If Germany had the same deaths but France had way lower numbers, there'd be a lot more outrage
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