I watched Young on Newsnight y'day saying pandemic was serious & "holding his hands up" for being wrong about a 2nd wave, but here he is publishing more dangerous lies.

Paraphrasing @IanDunt last night, this shows no moral consideration & I don't know how Young sleeps at night. https://twitter.com/toadmeister/status/1346716882531987457
the shamelessness, the lack of care for NHS workers working in hellish conditions, the lack of care for the thousands in hospital now struggling to breath, for those who can't access normal care cos hospitals are overrun... I can't even.
I am angry, furious. Not just that these voices are given prominence in the media but also in decision making at the very highest levels.

And I despair that people are so cynically using the tragedy of the pandemic to court controversy solely for their own gain. For shame.
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