Social prescribing is a highly relevant and potentially transformative avenue for #dementia, especially with the view to increasing awareness around the role of #music to support quality of life for #peoplelivingwithdementia. #dementiaresearch #dementiaawareness #musicfordementia
2/4 There is a growing evidence base for efficacy, and a range of activities already exist that are well suited to referrals e.g. #musictherapy, #livemusic programmes and projects, personal #playlists, #community initiatives such as #dementiachoirs. 🎼🎶
3/4 We’re trying to increase understanding of dementia. Will you help us by sharing this thread, please? 🙏🙏 Better yet, add your voice to our campaign for music to be recognised and valued across society as a necessity for people living with #dementia. 
4/4 You can also read more helpful facts about dementia and music at, or download our full infographic at
#dementiaresearch #dementiaawareness #research #dementiacare #careplan
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