It started from the time of Samuel Ajayi Crowther. He was not just a Clergyman, he was also a Headteacher & foremost Educationist. He had the opportunity and resources to translate a book into his local dialect, for easy access to knowledge. He chose the Bible.
A Thread 1/1
Today, we don't have any science subjects translated into our Languages, but the Bible has been translated into so many indigenous languages. There are science textbooks written in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese etc, but none wetin we get? 2/2
And you wonder why we have more churches than schools.
We have the opportunity to copy certain things from our Colonial Masters. India copied Science and developed their capacity. We copied Religion, and built more churches per square metre than anywhere else in the world. 3/3
India has improved on their Scientific knowledge, now the no 1 exporter of Techie Workforce in the entire world. Indians are heading the biggest technology companies all over the world. My people are building the biggest churches, boasting of having a branch in every country.4/4
You will see a Nigerian Christian condemning the Pope, that he is not a real Christian. A Nigerian lady in Port Harcourt once argued with me, telling me that Israel is not even a true Christian nation. 5/5
A Muslim guy in Ilorin argued with me that the Saudi Royal family are not proper Muslims. I reminded him that the King is the Custodian of the Ka'aba (the Muslim World's Holiest Site) but this Ilorin guy still insisted that proper Muslims don't behave like the Saudi Royals. 6/6
Now, Saudi has secured vaccination for all it's citizens,whereas in the North the Islamic Clerics are still telling their own people that there's nothing like Covid. Some even said that the Virus was caused by America to prevent Muslims from observing the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca
As at today, Israel has vaccinated 12% of their population (over a million people). And I just saw it in the news, where the Israeli Prime Minister said that the entire population would be vaccinated by April this year.
These are the progenitors of the religions that my people carried on their heads like Street Hawkers.
Yes, Israel is carrying out vaccinations of every single citizen. This is a Government initiative. Their religious leaders are not interfering in any way.
But our own religious leaders are selling Holywater and offering to lay hands, in order to cure people from a Virus that they themselves are wearing Facemasks to protect themselves from.

Thinking is HARD.

Ajibola M Salami For Aji Speaks.
@MrOdanz Please see this. I'd appreciate a retweet. Thank you.
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