'The question must be asked, is it right that a regulator that is supposed to be neutral is paying money to a partisan lobby group? This could be posed more widely; 750 of the UK’s leading institutions are paid-up members of the Stonewall Diversity Champions scheme'.
'Is there a link between Stonewall’s stated insistence that there is to be “no debate” on matters of sex and gender and the growing compulsion towards making any disagreement with “gender identity theory” illegal?'
So under Stonewall, and subsequently Ofcom's proposals, disagree with the idea that the oppression of women is natural - illegal, disagree that same sex attraction is real - illegal.
'Despite claiming to be a marginalised minority the transgender lobby is powerful enough to set the broadcast media narrative about what are deemed tolerable opinions, and what is considered hateful in a democratic society'.
Since adding the T around 5 years ago, Stonewall has become the poisoned spring. Schools removing girl's privacy and rights - Stonewall scheme, businesses 'acting ahead of the law' and removing women's rights are part of the Stonewall pyramid.
'It is easy to see why Stonewall did opt to add the ‘T’ to ‘LGB’. After the right to same-sex marriage was granted in 2013, Stonewall was plunged into an identity crisis'. https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/10/23/the-rise-and-fall-of-stonewall/
'Between 2014 and 2018, its income rose from £5.4million to £8.7million – an increase of 61 per cent. Some donors, such as the Arcus Foundation, which gave Stonewall $100,000 in 2015, even insisted the money was used to ‘integrate trans-specific work’ into Stonewall’s campaigns'.
Trans money is the reason Stonewall bullies employers to silence women and lesbians who question the new men's sexual rights movement. 'Stonewall...submitted a complaint about Bailey to Garden Court Chambers' demanding her employer took action against her.
'But perhaps it is the influence of Stonewall on the police and the judiciary that is most concerning. Indeed, many police forces are listed as Stonewall Diversity Champions, which has an actual impact on how they conduct investigations'.
'to accommodate trans rights, Stonewall has had to redefine what it is to be homosexual (and by extension hetero- and bi-). So now, in Stonewall’s eyes, a homosexual is not a ‘same-sex attracted person’
'In The Temper of Our Time (1967), social and moral philosopher Eric Hoffer wrote: ‘What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.’ It is an observation that fits the decline of Stonewall'.
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