I read a lot of thread on Twitter last year, So So many insightful ideas from great minds like @asemota @Naval @nntaleb @DavidAlade__ @sama @chamath and other great minds. What I learnt I’m willing to share in summary .
1. Having the self-belief that you will be able to figure things out as you go along is critical to success at anything hard.

Get started and trust yourself. No one has all the answers at the beginning.
2). Go after wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy which doesn’t really matter.
3). Despising rich people won’t get you rich, if you secretly despise wealth it will never come to you.
4). Working and getting paid by the number of hours you work won’t ever get you rich, simply because our time on earth is very limited, we need something (asset) that can generate return while we are not working.
5). Most advice giving to us are mostly valueless, listen to a lot of ideas and do what you really want to do, if it works out go with your victory and if it doesn’t you learn your lesson.
6). Most people who claim they are busy are really not productive, they spend a lot of hours doing nothing, the idea of just being busy gave them a false impression of productivity, it’s not the same.
7). People are lazy and will put off decisions.

Because you only have a limited amount of energy. We are always looking for easier ways to do things.

Help consumer get something fast, they will buy.

But because they put off things? Always have strict deadlines for campaigns.
8). Learn to build, learn to sell and you will be unstoppable.
9). Productivity is simply learning to solve a real problem, not the idea of you being able to do it but you doing it really, it brings out the genius in you .
10). Getting rich quick isn’t possible.

The media tells you the stories of the overnight successes.

But that’s all bullshit. It gets clicks but it doesn’t work that way for 99.99% of successful folks. Take your time to plan, invest, re-strategize and Compound.
11). Don’t play the status game(who is richer, who has the bigger phone, who has the biggest car, who lives in the most expensive neighborhood) , stay away from status game, Keep accumulating your money and buy things you can truly afford which are necessity of course.
12). You are better off without a lot of people, most friendships are valueless, start choosing your friendship not because of proximity but because of interest, find people who challenge you to be better.
13). It’s only hard-work that will get you started and ahead in life, don’t look to cut ways or short your cuts. Work really hard, work extremely smart and have a long term plan to match with it.
14) No matter how hard you work, you will fail. Accept it as part of the process and learn to fail fast, develop a great mentality towards failure, it’s the only way to move ahead.
15). Most people are either lazy, pessimist or negative energy individuals(90%), that’s why they are who they are, learn to avoid people like that. Look for the other %10 who has the same goal as you.
16). Networking is overrated, be the best in your field and doors you’ve never heard of will open at your feet.
17). Life is really unfair, you gotta be able to do what you had to do to survive. It’s still survival of the fittest.

Wish everyone a wonderful 2021.
You can follow @Alawiye_.
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