(Highly Requested!)
Erectile dysfunction is pretty much common in men and I’ve been asked by my followers and subscribers on my telegram to make a thread on how to stay hard.
I’m your online Sex coach. Feel free to hit me up in the DMs for any sexual issue and I’ll give you my best advice.

When men discover they have erectile dysfunction , they sharply seek medications but not knowing that it could be their diet and lifestyle. What you eat plays an important role in having a lasting hard erection, eat healthy ,same as lifestyle.
Get your body active. Do exercises. Circulate more blood around your system and see the improvements.

Believe it or not, your porn watching habits could have a negative effect on your sexual performance. In recent decades, a new phenomenon has emerged where young, otherwise healthy men find it difficult to perform sexually when they’re with a partner.
This is the “porn-induced erectile dysfunction.”
Porn-induced ED occurs when your porn habits start to interfere with the parts of your brain that are associated with reward sensitivity.

This can reduce your brain’s response to sexual stimulation.

So limit it or cut it off.

Stress is closely linked to erectile dysfunction, as well as a range of other sexual performance issues. When you’re stressed, your body undergoes changes on a hormonal level, ramping up your production of the hormone cortisol.
This affects everything from your mental clarity and ability to think critically, to your ability to get and maintain an erection.

Try and get enough rest daily. It’ll help you not just sexually buy every other aspect of your life.

Erections are all about blood flow. In fact, it takes around eight times the normal amount of blood flow to supply your penis with the blood it needs for an erection.

When your heart is strong and healthy, the process of getting
and maintaining an erection becomes easier for your body.

40 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise four times per week is usually sufficient to reduce erectile dysfunction.

You don’t need to be in the gym , you can do home work outs.

Smoking harms your erections in several ways. First, the nicotine in cigarettes can cause your blood vessels to narrow, reducing the amount of blood that can flow into the soft, erectile tissue of your penis when you’re sexually aroused.
This means slower, weaker erections and a higher risk of losing your erection during sex due to poor blood flow.

Smoking is even bad for your health in general, I advice you stop it not just for Erectile dysfunction but for your health in general too.

Sleep deprivation can affect your erection quality in several ways. First, it’s closely associated with higher levels of stress, which can affect your libido and sexual performance.
Second, it’s also associated with lower testosterone production, which could potentially contribute to ED.

Sleep is very important for maintaining optimal sexual performance. Aim for seven to nine hours per night, especially if you have a busy daytime routine.
So that’s it guys. Start doing all these and see a positive change.

You can dm me for any sexual problem you have or advices on sexual issues.

With Headking , your sex life will improve.

Headking dey for you. 👅💦👑
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