State institutions that engage in terror, torture and assassination should be tried for war crimes and abolished.

Instead of platforming I am going to promote work that scrutinizes/reveals these practices, like Trevor Paglen’s work on black sites.
This map from “An Atlas of Radical Cartography”, 2007, by Trevor Paglen and John Emerson, shows CIA Aircraft Routes used to transport suspects to illegal prisons using fake airline companies
Photographer and writer Allan Sekula wrote an article in 1981 in Art Journal, Vol 41, No 1, about how the CIA and the MoMA brought abstract art from the US to museums around the world to manipulate people’s opinion on capitalism. Download the text here
Cuban artist Coco Fusco took a torture course in 2005 by former US military personnel, and brought six women to the workshop. The film shows how interrogators rationalize their actions for themselves.
Torture Classics is music collected by art duo UBERMORGEN, which are the songs used for purposes of torture in Afghanistan and Iraq, pretended to be issued as a TIME/LIFE song collection album. 
“Banana Land: Blood, Bullets & Poison” is a 2014 documentary by Jason Glaser and Diego Lopez about the CIA’s involvement in killing workers and organizing coups in Latin America
to protecting US fruit corporations.
The 2015 work by James Bridle shows every redaction of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture.
Many people don’t know drones are operated by the CIA (a civilian outfit), not the military, which is why they can be kept a secret, James Bridle’s Drone Shadow series brings the lack of visibility of drone warfare to a street level.
Filmmaker Laura Poitras has spent her career telling the stories of the victims of state oppression, most famously her documentary on Edward Snowden “Citizen Four”. In 2016 she has a solo show at the Whitney.
Anastasia Kubrak is a graphic designer who published “A Guide to Satellite Surveillance” in 2017, explaining the importance of satellites for both media communications, state espionage, and government censorship.
These artist, designers, photographers and researchers are valuable to me because they show that state terror should never become normalized, or become accepted.

Terror and oppression of any kind should always be criticized and fought incessantly.
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