“There are countless reasons
why you should not eat meat"

~Buddha to Mahamati,LANKAVATARA SUTRA; XC ,113

"In the Hastikakshya and the Mahamegha in
the Angulimaliya as well, and here in the
Lankavatara,I proscribe all eating of meat"

~Buddha L.S.(XC -113/128)

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Let's look what are the reasons stated by buddha when Mahamati asked Bhagavan To explain the vice and virtue
of eating and not eating meat

Bhagwan Buddha then stated following reason to not kill,eat meat in any situation

Do read Complete
1. Becoz all beings have at some time been reborn as family
members, out of your feelings for them, you shouldn’t eat meat

2. Because butchers indiscriminately sell the flesh of donkeys and
camels, foxes and dogs, cattle and horses , along with humans
3. Because animals are raised on impurities.

4.Because beings become afraid when
they smell its odor, like when a dog snarls in anger and fear at
the sight of a chandala or domba

5.Because it prevents
practitioners from giving rise to compassionate thoughts
6.Because those fools who are fond of its
stench, its filth, and its impurity are maligned.

7. It makes spells and incantations ineffective

8.Because those who kill living creatures
become so attached to its taste, they think about it whenever
they see them
9.Because those who eat
meat are abandoned by the gods[~नोट÷]

10.because it makes your breath stink

11. You shouldn’t eat meat
because it causes nightmares

the tigers and wolves in the the forest and the wilderness can
smell it
13.because it results in a lack of
restraint regarding food and drink.

14.Because it keeps practitioners from giving rise to aversion

15.Because I have often said that when you eat
or drink,you should imagine you are consuming the flesh of your
children or swallowing medicine
"I would never approve the
eating of meat"

16.There was a king named
Simhasaudasa who ate all kinds of meat.But when he started
eating human flesh, his ministers conspired to overthrow him, and they put an end to his
reign.Such are the ills of eating meat
17. Those who kill do so for profit. They kill
creatures and sell them in the marketplace, where ignorant meat-
eating people use the net of money to catch their meat Among
those who take the lives of others, some use money, and some
use hooks and nets to catch creatures
..that move through the air
or in the water or across the landThey kill all sorts of creatures
and sell them in the marketplace for profitMahamati, when it
comes to fish or meat,there is no such thing as‘not requesting,
seeking, or thinking about it henceU should not
eat meat.
“Mahamati, on some occasions I have proscribed eating five
kinds of meat and at other times ten kindsToday, in this sutra, I
am getting rid of practices that allow certain kinds at certain
times in favor of none whatsoever"

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