Bc of course the privilege and library issue has come up.. just want to clarify that I am only discussing this in terms of people emailing an author directly, and not necessarily in a nice way. I have given - and will continue to give - many free books to those that need it. https://twitter.com/girlinthelens/status/1346573485456420864
But there’s a difference between a message where someone explains why a book is important to them - or even just uses my name - and asks kindly for a copy to ones that are flat-out rude and ask point-blank where to download the book in a way Google would have answered better.
Again, piracy happens. I’m ok with it. I want my book to be available everyone who wants to read it. I just don’t want it repeatedly forced in my face when this is how I pay for my rent and food and healthcare, and PSA most authors don’t earn above average wage? Thank you 💛
*Whoops, sorry meant *minimum* wage.
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