Of all the qualified people in the country of Kenya, and they had to fish this one out of somewhere to become CAS of Education.

Mark my words - conditions in boarding schools were bad before, and we tweeted about that. They are going to be worse now.

Mark my words. https://twitter.com/KTNNewsKE/status/1346524567393730560
Before, we had overcrowding to an alarming degree - triple deckers, blocked bathrooms, name it. In one school we had reports of students needing gumboots to use the toilets, in a "national" school. We had students going to use the dining halls in shifts. That was BEFORE Covid19.
We had reports of students falling ill and being kept in "sanatoria", parents kept in the dark and not informed their children were ill. We had reports of bullying, children getting their limb broken, but parents not informed. We had reports of sexual abuse, parents not informed.
So tell me - when a whole CAS comes out and says, in so many words, that schools are on a prison-like lockdown, and journalists are not allowed to enter, and earlier parents were told access to boarding school would not be allowed - what are these people fostering?
More importantly, what are school heads HEARING? {Remember what we used to say - when Health CS said something about curfew, but police heard their own things? Same case here}.
Many school heads are hearing "no access". This is laying ground for gross abuse and subsequent coverup
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