Here's what Americans have learned:

1. We are ruled

2. Elections only serve as protracted explanations of who the next ruler/s will be

3. The "I Voted" sticker is the adult equivalent of the gold star issued to everybody so they feel good about themselves

4. The corrupt...
...& criminal politicians even wag the theft in our faces to reinforce our own sense of powerlessness.

5. If we oppose, we will be locked-up under fraudulent (CV) pretenses & marginalized for failure to comply

6. If we oppose, our cities will be looted, burned & terrorized
7. If we oppose, we lose access to travel, public spaces, services, etc.

8. If we oppose, we will be attacked, assaulted & even killed by other "citizens" held harmless & if we defend ourselves, we are the ones prosecuted

9. If we oppose, we are denigrated & branded as "hate"
10. If we oppose, we are the root of all evil & must be dealt with

11. If we "test positive" we can be removed from our homes & committed to facilities by state governors

12. There will be one voice, one narrative, one philosophy & all knowledge will be handed down by edict
13. Most importantly, we've learned that the majority of those "elected" to represent the American people, the Constitution & the rule of law have betrayed every single one of us.

It's not too late but it soon will be.
This will only stand IF WE LET IT.
Time to fight.

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