why bts’ impact is undeniable — a short but precise thread
7 guys that uses their mouths to speak words of truth, wisdom, rationality & most especially comfort. They want their voices to be heard and be a huge impact to every person for them to strive harder and go on their right paths.
7 guys who has a heart that is so pure. They express their sincerity and love by combining it through their art of music. Their is no better charisma when it comes to these 7 guys who only wants the foremost best for their armys.
7 guys that will let u sense the feeling of certainty, assurance & sincerity. While u’re at the corner doubting urself. They will help u stand up & show u how extremely beautiful the world is. No matter how many times u fall down, reach for the sky & make ur dreams a reality.
7 guys that has lustrous eyes. These 7 guys will look at you like you’re the most beautiful and ethereal human in this world. You’ll look into their eyes and you’ll see how glowing it is, and that’s how bright of a person they are.
7 guys that are not afraid to show their flaws & imperfections in this judgemental world. Despite all the negativity, they wanted to be an impact where people will stand tall and shine because every human in this world is a piece of art. Unique.
Bts’ impact is undeniable. Not just because of their good looks & sheer talent, but because of their determination, perseverance and consistency. Bts has changed history with their music, they have saved lives by sharing their own story. BTS RUNS THE WORLD.
In conclusion, stan BTS because they’ll help you see everything in an optimistic way. They’ll help you widen your perspective and they’ll remind you that you should keep on going :D
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