as much as I love to shit on men, one issue that is never addressed is the lack of concern and empathy when it comes to men’s emotional issues, especially after traumatic and stressful events, they’re expected to “toughen up” and “get over it” which causes them to internalize
their issues and let it pile up a lot more. They’re taught from birth that being emotional is feminine and that aggression and rough behavior is an acceptable way to cope with their issues which is why many men can’t talk about or express their emotions as well as women can
And this is so destructive; especially when it comes to traumatic events such as sexual assault where men are told to suck it up and that they’re lucky when they were taken advantage of w/o their consent. Men are more likely to commit suicide and have untreated mental health
issues as well as have a higher chance of substance abuse and other addictions because it’s used as a coping mechanism. This is the fault of a society that enforces the idea of emotions and actions being gendered which causes these toxic situations and consequences
Ladies and guys even, I encourage you to speak and listen openly and non judgmentally with the men in your life about these things, allow them to have a safe outlet to express their emotions, it makes a big difference, trust me
This could lead to a prevention of another suicide, encourage each other to speak up and see someone if needed
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