Real talk, I am now a Georgia stan but...

I want desperately to see this same change in Mississippi and Alabama.
I want to see people stop making fun of the South and start rooting for it.
One has been my home for almost 22 years, the other for only 8 months, but I love them both to death and I truly believe they are capable of change.
We have a lot of voter suppression of minorities, especially of Black people. We lose basically all of our progressive young minds that manage to leave financially because we've created an ideological hellscape most can't bear to stay in.
But we can FIX THIS!
We need our young progressives to embrace the diversity and resilience of the people here. There is energy to be harnessed and people who need so badly know SOMEONE cares about what they are going through! They need hope!
They need to know the Democrat party can be for more than just urabanites with a bachelor's degree! They need to see us fight to end voter suppression!
The problem is not that the south is too poor or too stupid, it's that the voices of so many have been stamped out and/or forgotten!
Especially to other white, progressive southerners; you can leave the south, but we have a DUTY to fight to end voter suppression here and ensure that things improve here because not everyone gets to flee the states with the lowest cost of living in America in their early 20s.
TLDR; don't leave your Southern and especially your Black Southern comrades behind!
One place y'all can help; hit up @MSFreePress and @ashtonpittman for news here and support their work if you can
Also @rlnave
You can follow @Add_A_Straw.
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