Alright, so let's do a thread on what the fuck just happened in Georgia tonight. Unless something changes, it sure looks like Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will be Georgia's senators in the 117th Congress. With that in mind, let's litigate this disaster.
Before saying anything else, we should state that Raphael Warnock, Jon Ossoff, David Perdue, and Kelly Loeffler are all horrendous candidates. I will explain below.
Raphael Warnock is a radical leftist and a vicious antisemite. A healthy body politic would never let him get near the levers of power.

Jon Ossoff is a trust-fund bozo who has never accomplished anything in his 33 years of life and is not remotely qualified to be a senator.
David Perdue is a wildly corrupt man who has used the privileged information he receives as a senator to enrich himself.

Kelly Loeffler is an insider trader who openly embraced Marjorie Taylor Greene and QAnon while insincerely running as the Trumpiest woman in America.
The first and most obvious people to blame are David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, who were wretched candidates in addition to being awful people. Good riddance to them. They deserve a lot of blame for foisting Senators Ossoff and Warnock upon us.
Next, let's talk about Donald Trump and the Trumpist wing of the GOP. Trump's inability to display the human (maybe even animal) traits of empathy and self-control at any time ever are hugely responsible for this disaster. If Trump could act normal, we wouldn't be here!
I am just going to leave this @HolmesJosh tweet here. As it turns out, persuadable suburban voters actually like democracy and strongly dislike attempted coups and QAnon.
Maybe the GOP should not have done everything possible to push away persuadable voters
And shockingly, convincing your base that their votes don't matter because elections are rigged was a singularly stupid and self-defeating strategy, in addition to being morally wrong. @EWErickson (among others) has been yelling this from the rooftops for the past few months.
If the left goes wild and we have progressivism shoved down our throats over the next couple of years, I am going to hold the Trumpists responsible for this. You did this. You fucked us! I hope the election denialism and the creepy, Trumpy masturbation were worth it.
Remember Trumpists, you asked for this. You chose defeat. More standard Republican groups like gen z gop were phone banking while you were trying to overturn election results.
I have been begging the party not to take this ride since June 2015 when Trump came down that gold elevator. I was confident the whole time that this would end in tears.
Admittedly, a lot of good was done in the past four years, but a lot of bad was done too, and the costs of Joe Biden with Democratic control of both branches of Congress are going to be immense.
As @Redistrict points out, there is simply no evidence that the Trump coalition works for anyone besides Donald Trump. Props to @callisti2024 for being right about this (which I was not).
The GOP has some real soul searching to do. Tonight was an epic disaster. Trumpism will not be what propels the GOP; we have to find what the next thing is. Ultimately, I think @decunningham2 is right about the path forward.
Here is the promised thread, @KirmoraTaylor! Let me know what you think.
Post-script: Kelly Loeffler somehow gets even worse. She richly deserves this loss, even if America doesn’t.
Post-script: Yup, Trump blew this!
And this is the end of my thread! I am so angry that I am actually speechless.
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