I'm going to repeat this because it's important: Abrams sits on the board of the largest Democratic SuperPAC in the country. Fair Fight took $5 million from Michael Bloomberg. Abrams said she opposes "class warfare" because "I want to be wealthy."

She saved the DNC, not America. https://twitter.com/BenJealous/status/1346656352966488065
In addition to the above as well as her position on the Board at the Center for American Progress, here's a good piece by @BMarchetich on Stacey Abrams' record in Georgia politics. She's not turning Georgia blue. She's turning the DNC green.
Also on the board at CAP:
-Donald Sussman, a hedge fund billionaire who gave $250,000 to Abrams' Fair Fight group last year
-Andrew Hauptman, an investment billionaire who maxed out to Ossoff & Warnock.

Each gave >$1 million to the Senate Majority PAC this cycle.
Also on the board at CAP with Abrams:
-Glenn Hutchins, a private equity billionaire who spent time as an economic advisor to Bill Clinton during the NAFTA years.

He's given hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DNC over the years.

Here he is with his caddy, Barack Obama:
Also on the board at CAP with Abrams:
-Eric Mindich, investment billionaire, Goldman Sachs alum, Board member of the Neoliberal Hamilton Project, founded by Robert Rubin

He gave $250,000 to the Senate Majority PAC this cycle.

He's on the right. Larry Summers is on the far left:
Also on the board at CAP with Abrams:
-Kristin Mugford, currently at Harvard, formerly of Bain Capital, the private equity firm once headed by Mitt " #Resistance" Romney.

Mugford's given 10's of thousands of dollars to the DNC and $5,000 to Abrams' Fair Fight PAC this cycle.
Also on the board at CAP with Abrams:
-Hansjörg Wyss, Swiss medical device billionaire. Multiple executives from his firm did jail time when untested products killed patients. He evaded punishment & sold the company to Johnson & Johnson for $20 billion in 2012.
Also on the board at CAP with Abrams:
-Tom Daschle, former Senator and tax cheat, current lobbyist whose clients past & present include: The government of Taiwan & Aetna, the health insurance giant owned by CVS.

Last April, Daschle & Abrams co-authored an op-ed on...health care.
You know who won today? All those people I just named. And their friends. And their portfolios. And their clients.

And they love Stacey Abrams.
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