Some thoughts:

1.) Ossoff and Warnock were dumb Democrat candidates. Ffs, Warnock took a picture with a puppy and libs practically orgasmed over it. Be serious people please.
2.) The GOP will have to go back to the suburbs while maxing out rurals. Get tougher on campaigning.
3.) Now, Biden has the votes for the $2k to bail out California and New York’s mess. This is why you don’t capitulate towards the Dems. Never. Period. Trump fucked up. Now, Biden will fuck up because he’s good at being an idiot.
4.) The GOP needs an effective communicator when can articulately for head-to-head with the media. Hawley can’t. DeSantis can. Noem can. Tim Scott can.

5.) Do. Not. Capitulate. To. The. Dems. Ever. You do not gotta “hand it to them.”
6.) The GOP needs a better platform on energy policy re nuclear ASAP. Also, healthcare, because COVID stuff will cause payment issues down the road. Populism is also not the answer because NHS (single payer) is ridiculous and stupid.
The United States gave the vaccine to the world through our private enterprise pushed by our public demand with government to get this out. Populism and single payer nonsense is idiocy.
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