1) I have been doing more research into Dominion’s partners and what influence they may have regarding some companies. This thread will be dedicated to Uranium, BAE, and foreign influence.
2) So recently I have found out Dominion is partnered with a company named BAE. They have stated that they share private data with Dominion. (see 1st thread) It turns out BAE has had their own problems regarding bribery and trading arms illegally. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-baesystems-idUSL151455820091001
3) In one of the previous threads I pointed out that BAE has been developing DEW (Direct energy weapons.) Well turns out these weapons could be nuclear powered and do a large amount of damage.

4) Because of their long range it would make them ideal for space, think Reagan’s “Star Wars” project. Though crazy at the time it looks to be very real now, and chances are they never stopped working on that project.
5) I then went looking back into BAE and what deals they have made to see which countries could have access to this type of weapon. Because with a capability like this there could be a Russian/Chinese spy satellite with a nuclear-powered laser fixed to it.
7a) This led me to start looking into Wikileaks where I found that Robert Mueller was supposed to DIRECTLY hand over a 10-gram sample of highly enriched uranium in 2006 to Russia...
7b)...This was after they uncovered a big nuclear smuggling operation in Georgia that involved many Georgian accomplices.
8a) Why would Mueller be hand delivering uranium to Russia? This really made me start to wonder what really happened with the 20% of US uranium that Russia got after the Uranium One scandal. Since Mueller and Hillary are close it seems to me Mueller was more involved with...
9) If BAE has access to the uranium from the Uranium One scandal and they had bad intentions, (it appears they did at least at one point) then the possibly of this nuclear- powered laser in space is definitely possible. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-baesystems-idUSL151455820091001
10a) So currently it seems no nuclear weapon has been detonated in space, but NASA wrote an article 1958 (yes that long ago) regarding how nuclear weapons would work...
10b) in space, how could they get such detailed information if this apparently has never happened before?

11) This leads me to believe that nuclear space capabilities have been around for much longer than people realize and the “Star Wars” project much more liked if they never stopped working on it.
12a) Because of BAE being a partner with Dominion, is it possible China/Russia could have a larger influence over the voting systems than we realize? Look back at that AT&T server that I mentioned in the first thread...
12b) ...It apparently had data regarding the 2020 presidential election. https://twitter.com/cryptopatriot55/status/1344453263421272065
13) If there is any bit of this that is true that means there is absolutely foreign/domestic interference by other governments involving military and could directly be why dominion had to cheat so badly.
14) This could also be a reason as to why Mueller was so adamant that he would take down Trump with the whole “Russian interference” witch hunt. And could also be a reason why certain political figures from Georgia have been desperate to go against Trumps word.
15a) All of this links back to Dominion and big tech, they all share data with one another, meaning that this is likely the “Deep-State” who pulls the strings around the world, each had/has their own role to play and Trump...
15b)...is more than likely is in the process of exposing them all for who they truly are or is about to after all the evidence is brought forward.
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