Checking out some @rem_note videos after not paying attention for many months. You can easily tag an entire page - neat, this is what I really want for @roamresearch
- ability to add top level tag to page, acting as if you had nested all the page contents under that tag
- Attributes on the top level or nested under metadata also affect whole page, and are queryable (ie. I can ask specifically for [[type]]:: [[book]], not just [[book]]). Also things like [[pages]] > 100
- Can query for things in namespaces, namespaces have a table of contents
This is from . Another example - tag a page as philosopher, and list all pages. (Not sure if there is any equivalent to query in RemNote - but they do have "search portals" which are simpler but easy to create)
Interesting, you can toggle automatic searching, if you highlight a word, it will automatically try to find linked references. This seems really neat, a bit similar to the plugin by @dvargas92495 to highlight potential links in text. Very informative video by @RedGregory1
RemNote seems to have a pretty user-friendly documentation built in, with tutorials, strategies for structuring knowledge etc. Very different energy than the Roam Help Database, both because that takes forever to load, and because it's really a portal into the trash panda
I love spelunking through Twitter, Slack, Youtubes, group calls etc to find good approaches, but it certainly takes a massive amount of time to stay abreast, and for friends onboarding onto Roam, it probably feels very overwhelming. Could be argued that @RoamResearch is optimizin
for velocity right now, and perhaps in a year there would be more crystallized instructions. Or maybe they really want more divergence and experimentation.
Apparently there is a set of "universal descriptors", which are just blocks that you can easily block reference, but which would let you quickly filter by them (could also just be pages). Nothing technically fancy, but easy way to level up your metacognition when taking notes.
Wow, RemNote has an image occlusion plugin. Major want! Gives me hope that Roam could one day have one though.
Custom schedulers for spaced repetition
So adding a template is basically applying a tag, so you can see where a template has been used. You can also add tags to templates, called power-ups, which give special powers, like auto-expand, sort children, etc.
Didn't manage to capture a screenshot, but basically if you highlight an entire block in a different color (you can choose colors through a pop-up), RemNote automatically assigns a tag to that block, letting you easily filter by highlighted blocks.
An interesting trade off between RemNote and Roam is that in Roam, almost all the information on a page is captured in the Markdown. (Not all, the position of elements in a diagram for example, or number dragged on a slider). This means I can easily copy a complex page
to another Roam (I often copy between my private and public), or use templates and external tools to generate content... In RemNote, there are lots of special features that aren't represented - so if I copy this, and paste it somewhere else, I get this
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