I don’t think it can be over stated... I’m disappointed in this team but I’m not deeply disappointed let me explain

1. This year is weird af. You can see this even in the NBA there’s something weird about basketball and no crowd. It levels the playing field.
Even having the crowd against you has its impact. You’re out your mind if you think the flyer faithfully and red scare would let the close games at home stay close. That’s a major part of the equation

2. This team is liquid af. Who’s hurt today, who’s not?
For the love Chase left for a second time... this team is constantly in flux. But what that means is that our freshman get good minutes. They’re building experience without the help of the crowd.
In my mind if Koby, Moose and Zimi all learn from experience now, without the hype. There’s that much greater with the hype.
I made a prediction my freshman year watching Jalen and Obi (on the bench) this team is going places with 1 and a half to 2 years time. I was really right then. And I’m right now.

Be disappointed but we’re going to the tournament soon.
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