Don’t know if people are fully grasping what it would mean for US if two GA seats and presidency are gone. It’d be absolutely catastrophic. You can’t undo a mass amnesty, DC & PR statehood, a packed court, and probably couldn’t touch vote integrity evisceration measures either
This is to say nothing of lockdowns, enviro-insanity, Big Tech coddling, weaponizing of bureaucracy against dissenters, institutionalization of Wokeism, crippling taxation & bankrupting spending, aiding/abetting/enabling of Communist China in march for hegemony, for starters
Those pooh-poohing this assume slim Dem majority would prevent madness. First off, you have RINOs. Then, Rs and “moderate” Ds will be subjected to withering pressure & violence from radicals who control D Party. It becomes moot if election integrity is permanently eroded anyway
Since some are taking this as some kind of attack on my conservative friends, my point was merely that this isn’t just a potential really crushing loss, where we dust off and fight on in two years. This would be cataclysmic, doing potentially irreparable, generational damage
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