I frequently am asked the question "How do I get noticed in the crypto art community?"

Here are my thoughts.
1/ Interact with users within the community

Pick 25 artists, 25 collectors, and 25 community members affiliated with NFT platforms. Follow them on Twitter and engage with their tweets frequently in a supportive way!
2/ Promote your work!

Collectors love hearing an artist's story and meaning behind their work. Tell this story! This coupled with the aesthetic of your artwork can put a ton of eyes on you.

Find a balance here - no need to go overboard.
3/ Innovate.

NG, other platforms, and collectors frequently look for innovative collections and ideas. If you can do something that has never been done before, you are doing something right.
4/ Join multiple communities.

Most NFT platforms have discord groups. Join them! It's a great way to get recognized and meet a ton of new people in the space - collectors, NFT platform employees, and artists alike.

Here is the @niftygateway server: https://discord.gg/Tk4ZxVTN 
5/ Make friends!

The NFT community is the most supportive community I have ever been involved in. Be yourself and make some friends - it'll take you a long way.
6/ Ask for advice.

This can be paired with 5/. Almost all members of the NFT community are responsive and willing to help out, answer questions, and give advice.

My DMs are very full, but I will do my best to respond to everyone.
7/ That's about all I could up with at the moment. I'm probably missing some important stuff - apologies for that and let me know if I have!
You can follow @TommyKimmelman.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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