Instead of investigating obvious mail-in voter fraud and demanding reforms in Georgia, the GOP establishment attacked Trump.

Those same Republicans then refused to give more than $600 to Americans whose livelihoods were destroyed by lockdowns in 2020.

They never fail to fail.
The same establishment architects of the Georgia GOP Senate failures will blame Trump for their losses, while ignoring the fact that Senate Republicans got the most votes in November when Trump was on the ticket.
Georgia's incompetent GOP governor and corrupt Secretary of State had ample time to reform the election procedures that caused such mayhem in November.

Brian Kemp stuck his head in the sand, while Brad Raffensperger leaked Trump phone calls to get revenge on David Perdue.
If your home gets robbed, and you respond by ignoring the broken glass and missing valuables and incredulously declaring everything is totally fine --instead of, you know, installing an alarm system and securing your stuff--you're going to get robbed again and again and again.
A lot of very rightfully angry conservatives will say the GOP deserves this, but the problem is that the moronic architects of these failures won't pay the price for the incompetence and corruption.

As always, we will pay the price for their failures.
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