How can you help Hong Kong? [thread]

That was never an easy question to answer, and now it’s even harder after the passing of the National Security Law.
Amongst other things, the new law specifically criminalises acts that could fall under the ambiguous but broad umbrella of “foreign interference”.
Unsurprisingly, this has caused many international friends to freeze up when it comes to helping Hong Kong in its struggle for freedom, for fear of endangering either themselves or those of us on the ground.
We are told that our struggle for freedom is illegal.

We are told that the political repression we experience is normal (“every country has a national security law”).

We are told that everyone else should mind their own business (“stop interfering in our domestic affairs”).
So, let me ask again, how can you help Hong Kong? Look after us and pay attention to what is going on. This might sound simple but don’t underestimate its impact.
Knowing we are not alone, knowing that the world cares and is watching 
us – this is what helps keep us going. Your attention not only sustains us, it also keeps us safe. It is when the world is not paying attention that the CCP can run amok, as it does in Tibet and Xinjiang.
When Beijing and the Hong Kong governments tell you that “this is normal, mind your own business”, say loudly and clearly that you disagree: “No, this is not normal, and no, we are not going to mind our own business.”
This might come at a cost, as Daryl Morey from the Houston Rockets found out when he tweeted an image with a caption saying “Fight for freedom. Stand with Hong Kong”. (He later backtracked following criticism from Chinese fans, sponsors and commercial partners.)
It is why the suspension of HK extradition treaties by Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, the UK and the USA are powerful; why the suspension of user data requests by tech companies, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter, send a clear signal.
These actions not only protect the rights of Hong Kong protesters but also remind the world that what is happening in Hong Kong is not normal, it is not okay.
Thank you in advance for showing that you care, for acting in solidarity with our struggle, for standing together with us. Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong.
You can follow @lokmantsui.
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