My dog has these little crumbly treats I put into her food and she thinks they're just okay. Sometimes she doesn't even finish them all. But when I present one as a special treat she has to do a trick for, she devours it.

It seems silly—but I think people are the same way:

Things you take for granted taste like blah. Adding gratitude makes them delicious.

If you're eating handfuls of nuts out of a bag & it kind of sucks, imagine finding one in the forest & spending 10 min cracking it open. Then eat them one by one and savor the nourishment.

When about to have a mediocre sandwich, imagine it's a long time ago and you just traveled around all day painstakingly collecting and preparing every ingredient.

When you drink a glass of water, imagine you're stranded in the desert and just found an oasis.

It works just as well on non-food.

If you're tossing and turning in bed, vividly remember the experience of trying to sleep in a middle seat on an airplane—and how badly you'd be fantasizing about being in a bed.

Or imagine it's the morning and your alarm just went off.

When you use your phone, imagine it's 2007 and you're playing with a smartphone for the first time.

Imagine you take a time machine to show 1998 you how the phone works. You open each app, one by one, blowing your 1998 mind with what it can do.

Imagine the experience of having a sore throat when you don't have one and enjoy the glorious lack of pain.

(Works for all injuries/health problems.)

When you're in a hot shower, imagine those times when a shower's water devastatingly maxes out at lukewarm.

In a lukewarm shower, imagine how thrilled a 1750 person would be.

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