1/68 Sure Shia. You, Brad Pitt, & the cast of Fury just “happened” to be at the same hotel as the Bilderberg Meeting with ppl like George Soros & the Koch bros. Right, & I totally believe u came up with that whole bizarre “He Will Not Divide Us” stunt all by urself back in 2017🙄
(2/68) Understand, at least 90% of Hollywood production is controlled by NWO/Illuminati interests that are allied with the CCP. There is no authentic grassroots rise to fame in Hollywood film, or music anymore. It’s the most corrupt industry on the planet. You either fall...
(3/68) in line with the agenda, mirror the hard left trends, sleep with whoever they say, or you don’t get casted. It’s as simple as that. The whole industry works exactly like a mafia.

Take it from a Hollywood insider. Almost everything you see on tv, or hear on the radio,...
(4/68) is complete and utter agenda driven BS. Actors are casted, musicians signed to record labels, purely to go along with whatever agenda is being pushed by the overlords. A persons talent is nowhere near the primary consideration in casting, their complacency and...
(5/68) usefulness in the agenda is the chief concern. The only talent involved in the process comes courtesy of production crews (cameramen, lighting, staging, special effects, editing, etc.) who effectively put lipstick on a pig, or spray perfume on dog crap (however you...
(6/68) want to phrase it) to make it somewhat palliative to the public.

Profit is NOT the primary motive in Hollywood. If it were, you’d see much more Judeo-Christian productions, as these are historically some of the highest grossing films with massive target audiences...
(7/68) (2.2 billion people globally). But you don’t. Because Hollywood considers it more important to popularize behaviors that turn people away from God, than maximize profits by glorifying him. Agenda first, profit second. That’s how Hollywood orders its priorities.

In a...
(8/68) nutshell, the process basically works like this. The globalist overlords give their networks, film studios, and record labels an agenda, who in turn, attempt to popularize it in a creative way, turning just enough of a profit to continue making more of it. That’s about...
(9/68) it. The agenda could literally be anything, and Hollywood would do their best to spin it into something appealing. The overlords could walk in with poop on a stick, and say: “make this appealing to children,” and Hollywood would bend over backwards in elaborate fashion...
(10/68) to make it happen. Essentially, Hollywood is nothing more than a creatively deceptive, finely tuned, propaganda machine, doing the bidding of its NWO/Illuminati master. That’s why we see so much social justice warrior garbage on tv. They could easily maximize their...
(11/68) profits if they cut that nonsense out of the storyline, and appealed to broader audiences. But that’s not the goal. The goal is to create an echo chamber mirroring the same message, to normalize whatever subversive BS they are trying to push. They target demographics...
(12/68) that are just large enough to turn a profit, and keep whatever progressive topics they’re pushing relevant in the culture at large. The rationale is simple. Get enough people talking about something, long enough, and eventually more start to buy into it. That’s how...
(13/68) propaganda and psychological conditioning work.

They’ve also monopolized the industry to the point where consumers only have the option of choosing between propaganda A, B, or C. They do this because they know more people than not will eventually cave, and watch...
(14/68) something when they get bored anyway (Exactly why they’re pushing to regulate YouTube. They want you to have no other choices for entertainment but approved streaming and network tv).

Getting back to the topic of talent. Why do you think the “casting couch” exists in...
(15/68) Hollywood? It’s not just for abusers to satisfy their sick urges. It’s to find people who will LITERALLY do whatever they’re told. Essentially, the only actors who make it in this industry, are the ones who have proven themselves to be the most useful of the idiots....
(16/68) The ones who will literally do ANY, and EVERYTHING to make it. Occasionally, a few slip through the cracks. But eventually, the corrupt Hollywood network finds, and gets them out. It’s like Vegas, the house always wins. There are far too many corrupt dirty shenanigans...
(17/68) going on in this industry for an honest person to survive in it long. Eventually, they’re forced to either join in, or get pushed out.

Contrary to popular belief. There is a far greater incidence of unrecognized homosexual casting couch (gay for pay) behavior going...
(18/68) on in Hollywood, than the highly publicized Harvey Weinstein heterosexual kind. Don’t get me wrong. Both are BAD, and absolutely OUT OF CONTROL. However, I’ve observed FAR more of the former going on than the latter. Just my personal experience. Anyway, google “Bryan...
(19/68) Singer sexual assault” (he was the director of X-Men, Bohemian Rhapsody) and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. Everyone in Hollywood knows about the infamous wild & crazy sex parties he used to throw out at his Hollywood Hills mansion overlooking Sunset Blvd....
(20/68) Basically, these pool parties were a bunch of older Hollywood elites, hanging out with young boys age’d 12-20 something. If you didn’t look like, or bring boys who looked like teenage Abercrombie & Fitch models, you didn’t go. Singer would get all these young naive...
(21/68) boys messed up on drugs, show them his Lamborghini’s, do bizarre rituals, and promise prestigious roles in exchange for sexual favors.

I’ve been to one of these parties, and after 15 minutes, got TF out of there because I was so creeped out....
(22/68) Seriously, BRYAN SINGER SHOULD BE A LEVEL 3 SEX OFFENDER IN FEDERAL PRISON FOR DRUG AND UNDERAGE SEX TRAFFICKING FELONIES. The man is flat out SICK, EVIL, and has been protected by his powerful movie studio and NWO overlords. The #Metoo movement only...
(23/68) applies to people the overlords have approved to be thrown under the bus (Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc). The movement is dead silent when it comes to matters involving anything else. That’s because literally no one in Hollywood blinks without being...
(24/68) told to do so by their superiors.

To make matters worse, Singer is just the TIP of the sick depraved tumor that is Hollywood. Honestly, if everyday folks could actually see the personal lives of these people making their movies, they’d be MORTIFIED. And that’s just...
(25/68) the film industry. The true scope of the depravity exists as a three headed monster encompassing film, music, and modeling. Don’t even get me started on the modeling industry. It’s on a whole other level of f*cked up. Especially male modeling. It’s probably the only...
(26/68) industry on the planet where women both work and make 10x more than the men. Almost every agency director is a drug addicted super predator. They know their industry well, and are fully aware of the cold reality that it’s only a matter of time before a model becomes...
(27/68) vulnerable to drugs, and or lack of work. At that point, gay for pay services become a convenient proposition to fund drug habits, pay bills, make rent, and basically survive. The entire modeling industry is essentially built by, for, and around predators looking for...
(28/68) easy prey. It starts with fashion, but ends in sex trafficking. That’s just what the formula driving this industry is designed to do. There’s a high likelihood that your favorite Instagram model is, at the very least, a high priced part time escort. How do you think so...
(29/68) many of them afford to take all these fancy exotic trips, and drive ultra luxury cars? I’ll give you a hint, it isn’t just advertisers patronizing them.

Hollywood itself, is essentially closed off and protected in this elitist fantasyland bubble. A place where up is...
(30/68) down, and down is up. But, don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s some kind of exclusive paradise. These days, Hollywood more closely resembles Mordor from Lord Of The Rings, than it does the distant glories of its once glamorous past. It’s run down, beat up,...
(31/68) there’s homeless people everywhere, the streets are littered in garbage & needles, housing is beyond unaffordable (a studio apartment in North Hollywood will run you $1,500-2,000 a month minimum), and unending traffic makes you feel like your in this hellish repetitive...
(32/68) loop straight out of the movie Groundhog Day. Every grocery store parking lot you enter feels like some sort of apocalyptic refugee camp. Los Angeles itself is essentially one city, two systems. One system for the West Hollywood elite, who get special treatment from...
(33/68) the corrupt police and DA, and one for everyone else (peasants, as I’ve heard many smug Hollywood insiders call them).

In a place where literally everyone is corrupt, there’s no whistleblower around to sound the alarm on corruption. That’s basically Hollywood’s...
(34/68) environment in a nutshell. Everyone has dirt on everyone, so no one rats. Mutually assured incrimination keeps everyone’s mouths shut. Which is exactly why Hollywood is filled with so many corrupt & messed up people in the first place. These are the only types of...
(35/68) individuals the elites will allow into the inner circle. Why? Because the powers at be need to have the ability to blackmail people into compliance, and silence as a fail safe. It’s a tried and true method originally perfected by the mob.

They always need to have...
(36/68) leverage over you in some capacity. Either through bribery, blackmail, or flat out threatening your life. The tactics they use go in that order. They’ll start with bribery, and if that fails, move to blackmail. Still won’t comply? You’ll either disappear, overdose,...
(37/68) commit suicide, or have your character assassinated so badly by their media echo chamber you’ll wish u were dead. They intentionally get many of these actors, musicians, and models hooked on drugs, so theres an explanation for their deaths if and when they conveniently...
(38/68) “overdose”.

Hollywood’s impact on a surrounding community is like that of an army of locusts. It corrupts, consumes, and destroys everything, then moves on. You hear that Atlanta, Georgia? Austin, Texas? They’ve got you right in their crosshairs. They’re planning to...
(39/68) do to you exactly what they’ve done to California. California has outlived its usefulness, and the Hollywood parasites know it’s time to move on in search of new fruitful communities to chew up, and spit out. Like a tumor that metastasizes to other parts of the body to...
(40/68) begin destroying more organs.

Bottom line. The entire entertainment industry needs a COMPLETE OVERHAUL. Honestly, one or two arrests won’t do. Whoever you arrest would likely just be fall guys for the higher ups anyway. They’d get replaced by the corrupt...
(41/68) establishment tomorrow. Everything is so infected with corruption from top to bottom, you really can’t fix, reform, or save it. Literally almost everyone in this industry is doing something illegal, either minor or serious. This can only be dealt with the way you deal...
(42/68) with any other criminal organization (freeze assets, disband entire operations, and start over). Now, that’s a “Great Reset” I’d be in favor of. Just throw a switch, and shut it all down. There are no innocent bystanders in hell.

Additionally. If there isn’t a rise in...
(43/68) high quality conservative movie, music, and art studios soon, we will ultimately lose this culture war that drives so much of our political institutions. The hard left has controlled the hearts, and minds of our youth through these outlets for FAR too long. They know...
(44/68) if they connect with the youth, they gain the future. Beat the globalists here, and you effectively kill their ability to popularize hard left behavior/thinking at the root.

Of course, the effects of doing this would not be immediate. It will take a little bit of...
(45/68) time to reciprocate. But, if done properly, it will pay dividends for generations to come. Conservatives have been so focused on winning political battles, that we’ve essentially lost the war through popular culture, and this has had disastrous ramifications for our...
(46/68) political, public, and private ways of life. If conservatives don’t move back into these uncomfortable areas of artistic expression, we risk losing the future to toxic left wing trends forever.

Want to truly defeat the hard left, Democrats, corrupt media, Hollywood,...
(47/68) and their globalist/Marxist/NWO/Illuminati/CCP overlords for good? THEN WE MUST INVADE THE ENTIRE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY WITH CONSERVATIVE THOUGHT. POUR EVERYTHING WE HAVE INTO IT. Take the battle to them, fight this war on their home turf. Deploy our vast, passionate...
(48/68) resources into countering them here. This is where the truly sick, depraved, and wicked have dug themselves in. Like the Orcs of Mordor, and the all seeing eye of their overlord Sauron. If we cut into the heart of this God forsaken Mordorian cesspool of Hollywood, and...
(49/68) beat them at their own game, their toxic hell will freeze over once and for all. Ronald Reagan warned us years ago, about the dangerous poison being spewed from these Hollywood institutions. He worked tirelessly over his life to expose, and rid the industry of...
(50/68) subversive communist saboteurs attempting to hijack it. But, Ronald Reagan was only one man. If we want to win this war. It’s going to take EVERY SINGLE ONE of us standing up to these Hollywood monsters, to expose and replace them for good.

Why do you think...
(51/68) @realdonaldtrump decided to run for President in the first place? He spent many years in the entertainment industry himself, and saw first hand what globalist Hollywood, and their NWO/Illuminati/CCP overlords were attempting to do to the world. It isn’t everyday that...
(52/68) an entire entity completely turns on one of its own. But, that’s exactly what we saw the media complex do with Donald Trump. They couldn’t bribe him (he was already rich), they tried blackmail (he refused), they tried framing him (Russia-collusion, Steele dossier,...
(53/68) impeachment, etc.), they made attempts on his life (COVID-19 anyone? 🤔), and weaponized every conceivable resource in their media echo chamber to relentlessly assassinate the mans character 24/7 (he’s still standing, and beloved by well over 74 million Americans). ...
(54/68) God works in mysterious ways. And, Donald J. Trump is proof, that no matter how imperfect a person may be, anyone who follows in the footsteps of God will triumph over evil. Yes, even a billionaire reality tv star, who has their name egotistically plastered on...
(55/68) buildings, and once referred to grabbing women by their p*ssy.

That is the beauty of Gods design. It’s not how we start in life, but how we finish that matters. The point of this life is to learn from failure, grow, and hopefully become fruit worthy of harvest by the...
(56/68) almighty on the day we depart this earth. That is our task. He is in the business of harvesting souls from this garden we call Earth. No good fruit starts off edible. It takes time to grow and ripen. We are simply school children in the eyes of the creator. Like any...
(57/68) good teacher, God DOES NOT demand perfection. All he REQUIRES is that we give our BEST EFFORT, and try to do the right things.

Say what you want about Donald J. Trump, but that man hasn’t stopped fighting for us since day 1. He’s exchanged his cushy billionaire...
(58/68) lifestyle, to take on the corrupt forces of the world, all at great personal risk to him, his family, and the people he loves (you, the American people). There is no nobler gesture. This man is willing to lay it all on the line to fight for what he believes is right. I...
(59/68) don’t care who you are, or what mistakes you’ve made in your past. Anyone willing to do something like this, to fight against a great evil attempting to enslave the hearts, minds, and souls of free people, is doing GODS WORK.

Let me be clear. Donald J. Trump is NOT a...
(60/68) perfect man. He’s mortally flawed as are we all. But, perhaps that is precisely why he was chosen by God to lead this fight. He is an example for all of us to learn from. The lesson is simple. Be less concerned with perfect results in life, and more focused on always...
(61/68) giving your best honest effort. That is how we fulfill God’s plan. Donald J. Trump NEVER quits! He pours his heart, soul, and passion into EVERYTHING he does! He fights to the very end, and goes out swinging! That’s what God wants from you! He wants you to press...
(62/68) forward and grow, no matter how many mistakes you make. For in the end, you will become something worthy of him to harvest!

James 4:7 tells us: “Stand up to the devil, and the devil will run from you.” This means that Satan and his followers, in addition to being...
(63/68) great deceivers, master manipulators, and resourceful adversaries, are also whole hearted COWARDS. They have no loyalty to anything but the greed of flesh ridden desire. They will never reveal their true depravity unless holding all the cards of power. Like ANTIFA,...
(64/68) they only know how to kick someone when they’re down. It is only when free people possess the will, and moral courage to stand up to these monsters, that they retreat to their disgraced reclusion. Expose them for who they are, and they will run just like the coward...
(65/68) they glorify! Hollywood is the primary sanctuary for Satan and his wickedness in the free world. Stand up to these people here, and they will have nowhere left to hide! HANDS UP HOLLYWOOD! Your surrounded by well over 74 million God fearing Patriots ready to exorcise...
(66/68) your demons! We are a GLOBAL movement of soldiers protecting the individual rights of Gods people. No longer will you lead them astray! YOUR DAY OF RECKONING IS NEAR! Donald J. Trump is NOT our leader. He is simply an instrument for the one who is, and can be called:...
(67/68) “the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” -Revelation 22:13.


“Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da gloriam: Not for us, My Lord, not for us, but to your Name give the...
(68/68) glory”

-Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Knights Templar)

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