This is how it works: when the man named Kornacki gets new special special numbers in his head (they come via Bluetooth), he must wave his arms in the air. The lady named Nicolle Wallace puts him on the TV to explain. Then, the lady named Rachel Maddow gives him a donut.
Sometimes new numbers arrive when he’s on live TV. But he’s very smart and can translate them for us. Also if he doesn’t get them right, he gets the prong.

In the ad breaks he goes back to his crate to think about more numbers and whether he should go on Dancing with the Stars.
Inside the crate there is a camera, but they haven’t told the man named Kornacki that yet. You can watch Kornacki Cam any time you like. I hope he doesn’t wear his pyjamas!

Kidding! The man named Kornacki is not allowed to have pyjamas because he’s not allowed to sleep.
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