1/ 2020 End of Year Summary (Long Thread): Big shoutout to @traderstewie and the whole @AOTtrades community he has created. The year started pretty crazy and I was down about $50k in March but I was able fight my way back to close out the year with over $188k in closed positions
2/ Monthly totals from my Fidelity Account. You can see I progressively did better each month with October being a tough one. My worse month was March where I took a huge loss on 3/16 (regret that big time) and my best month was November thanks to a crazy last two months.
3/ I ended up having 161 green days and 60 red days in terms of realized gains/losses. The red day average is extremely skewed by the 3/16 loss. If I removed that it drops by half. But regardless I had 2.75x more green days then red. Which is solid.
4/ Top 10 largest losing tickers in 2020. Note cumulative trades on the ticker throughout the year.
/5 Top 10 largest winning tickers in 2020. Again this is cumulative trades on the ticker throughout the year.
/6 Top 5 single largest trade losses by % of 2020. $PENN I regret so much. Pretty sure I had a $15 average or something crazy like that. But clearly you can see this was a panic sell to an extent. I wanted to free up funds by taking losses so I could grow it back.
/7 Top 5 (ish) single largest trade gains by % of 2020. Since the top 4 were all $SNDL, so I included the next 4 tickers. I obvious had small size on most of these haha.
/8 Top 5 single largest trade losses by $ of 2020. 4 trades from 3/16 my worst day of the year and a trade in $SQQQ that I was being stubborn with and took a big loss. My boy @87AlwaysRed reeled me back in after this trade and got me back on track. Thanks bud!
/8 Top 5 single largest trade gains by $ of 2020. The trades on $M are skewed due to the way my sheet calculates but I included two additional. Interesting that the $TQQQ trade ended up being my largest single trade gain of 2020. Taking "singles" was clearly a winning strategy
/9 Last one, just for fun. I ended up buying and selling over $15m worth of stock (this is just my Fidelity account and not the new one). % wise that is abysmal but realistically I never used that much or account anywhere near that size haha. Just fun to see.
/10 None of this would have been possible on my own. I have a ton of people I could tag and thank but it would be another 5 posts haha. I hit all of my goals for 2020 by a lot. I couldn't be more happy. I look forward to working with everyone in 2021 and doing it again. Cheers!
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