By “it” I meant the leap of crypto to its first mainstream period, where it’s somewhat widely adopted as a speculative asset in portfolios and BTC as a SoV in some places and a few dApps at scale. Tech adoption equivalent of 1999 (10% US, 1% world.) Crypto becomes “real.”
2/ as with the internet in 1999, usage and adoption will still likely be pretty small at the end of this cycle. Still a bit hard to use, accessible to a minority practically speaking. But anyone with an IQ over a turnip will see that it’s just the start.
3/ as with every parabolic growth cycle in history (that I’m aware of), this one too will likely end in a crash and a stronger and higher base in all regards to start the next growth period that follows.
4/ *im probably wrong about every prediction. These are guesses.
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