A particularly disgusting "HATE YOURSELF FOR WANTING TO BE LEFT ALONE, WHITE SHITHOUSE!" guilt sermon from Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 this lunchtime. Sob story of some Jamaican woman who was a reporter on Thames TV in the '60s and was the subject of complaints because she was black.
In the midst of which "Enoch Powell" was referenced as basically a stand-in for Satan/evil, along with his "Rivers of Blood speech", and the black reporter talked about how great the Race Relations Act (the work of genocidal Jews) was.
We were warned to brace ourselves for some shocking language when a clip of her interviewing an academic researcher who noted that blacks are weaker swimmers used the word "Negro".
Apparently this woman fucked off back to Jamaica after a few years, but interviewed in the present day, she exhibited all the entitlement and absence of any ability to empathise with the perspective of Britons put upon in our own homeland that these fucking parasites usually do.
See, in getting out, she took the fucking hint delivered through the complaints to her about Thames TV, and allegedly not being allowed into some hotel in Birmingham etc. - YOU AREN'T WELCOME, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE. FUCK OFF.
Again, it's a shameless sense of entitlement which, for a white person, is actually quite hard to comprehend.
She talked in the present-day interview about how delighted she is about events over the past year in Britain with Black Lives Matter. Oh, I fucking bet she is.
Funnily enough, she never pondered how Britons must feel about Africans - still under 15% of the population of London - being responsible for somewhere approaching 70% of all the violent crime and robbery in our capital city. To take just one example of how they affect us.
She talked about how "no one should hate anyone for the colour of their skin".

Well, here's a good way to avoid that kind of thing: people like you ought to stay where you fucking belong. If you aren't welcome, fucking accept it.
Actually though, in my own homeland, where I fucking belong, I'll hate anyone I want for whatever reason I see fit. "Skin colour" as you call it, would be a long way down the last. Encroaching upon my territory and treading on my toes, however, is probably at the very top.
Ultimately, all of this is only an issue because, when they had hordes of racially and culturally foreign people imposed upon them by subversives and traitors, white people in general had the natural reaction of not liking it, and of resisting.
So it's a problem that could easily be avoided by just leaving white people alone.

That option, however, has never been on the table.
Bit of rhetorical licence there really: it's not simply a matter of it never having been on the table. In the eyes of the real power, it's antithetical to the agenda: Our possession of our homelands and our existence as a coherent, self-aware group are problems to be eliminated.
Having a distinct, indigenous population in the most economically and technologically advance countries in the world is a bit of an obstacle to their dystopian vision of technocratic neoliberal tyranny.
And the ongoing existence of a distinct racial group who might actually have it in them to unite in resistance and eventually overthrow their tyranny, and then set about delivering the deserved reckoning, has to be prevented at all costs.
What are to us homelands are to them more akin to properties on a board game to be brought under full control and then pillaged in perpetuity.
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