Let's talk about Uranus. The planet I like to look at as the underdog, that glo-up energy, the bitch in the room you didn't know was actually the baddest. A THREAD ✨
Home to ♒️ Aquarius, this planet is rarely spoken about, probably because it's slow ass spends like 7 years in a sign. But that's because innovation is a process. A successful rebellion takes time. All that time in between has you thinking wtf was ms Uranus up to because...
Uranus is all about shock, revolution and discovery- expect the unexpected with them. This planet brings about change whether we like it or not and is usually here for when things need to progress forward. So as we know Uranus entered Taurus in 2019.
The last time it was there was 1934 the year, Nazi's assassinated an Austrian chancellor, League of Nations was formed & vitamin K was discovered. What are some things Uranus rules? Well for a starters it rules astrology, inventions, radio, freelancing, cartoons.
What does Uranus mean in the natal Houses?

1H - Can come off weird or eccentric to others. You cannot read these people. You think you know them one day. Tend to be very intelligent, leaders, unusual and very authentic. Can have a magnetic pull due to interesting vibes.
2H - This placement can be quite a ride with incredible financial gains but also losses unexpectedly. They might be the type to always win scratch cards/lotteries, or able to fundraise a lot. The ability however to still figure out ways of obtaining more means.
3H - Now it's your siblings that could be the weird ones. This placement can produce amazing writers of fiction or journalism. Very unique minds. They may often speak passionately about causes that mean a lot to them. Changes in environment, they need mental stimulation.
4H - Constant change within the home- lots of moves. These natives come from very interesting families- they have stories to tell. May experience many shocks and unanticipated situations with the family.
5H - Whirlwind romantic life. Creative and spontaneous bursts. Many special talents and gifts. They may prefer being single or having variety in relationships. Interesting sexual experiences. They can go on to having interesting children and/or connections with them.
6H - These natives are jack of all trades, may have various jobs or methods of doing things. Think outside of the box types. Can be a challenge as this may see constant health/body changes, a lot of irregularity with routine.
7H - The partners of these natives can be odd or have strong interests in societal issues/humanitarianism. These natives who may date people others didn't expect or be unconventional. However can fall in and out of love/relationships a lot.
8H - These natives are freaks. They like kinks and experimenting with sex. Can experience a lot of unexpected death and transformation around them- but also sudden gains through inheritance and unusual things.
9H - Different ideologies and beliefs. May often challenge the status quo. These natives have the ability to obtain great knowledge/information from interesting sources and may enjoy alternative ways of learning/not traditional.
10H - May lean towards self-employment or have unconventional careers- can be involved in tech/media and find themselves in unexpected work situations or scandals. High positions in work & standing out from the crowd.
11H - These natives may see sudden changes in social groups. Can either be very popular or have an intimate circle of friends but still be known. They and/or friends can be known for being quirky, rebellious, or unusual somehow.
12H - Extraordinary psychic/spiritual experiences such as dreams, visions, intuition etc. Independence. These natives have secret/hidden/ abilities, gifts or qualities that surprise others. Can be free spirited. Beats to the sound of their own drum.
1H Celebrities: Johnny Depp, Eddie Murphy, Jared Leto, Bill Gates, Issac Newton, Joan Collins.

2H: Jackie Chan, Liza Minnelli, Barbara Streisand, Beyoncé, Justin Bieber.

3H: Tim Burton, Britney Spears, Stephen Hawking, Charles Dickens, George Michael.
4H: David Bowie, Angelina Jolie, Ray Charles, Drake, Sandra Bullock, Tyra Banks.

5H: Charlie Sheen, Halle Berry, Elvis Presley, Chris Brown, Dr. Dre.

6H: Whoopi Goldberg, Danny DeVito, Whitney Houston, Bruce Lee, Michael Jackson, Joe Biden.
7H: Diana Ross, Yoko Ono, Elton John, Barack Obama, Jessie J, Shakira.

8H: Marilyn Monroe, Heath Ledger, Lenny Kravitz, Ozzy Osbourne, Princess Diana, Naomi Campbell.

9H: Brad Pitt, Jodie Foster, Aaliyah, Prince, Phil Colins, Kourtney Kardashian.
10H: Denzel Washington, Janet Jackson, Tina Turner, Donald Trump, Shia LeBeouf, Nicki Minaj.

11H: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Pink, Jennifer Lawrence, Prince William, Harry & Charles, Boris Johnson.

12: Keanu Reeves, Jeff Goldblum, Madonna, Cher, Paris Hilton, Zac Efron.
Just a lil starter thread to Uranus. So much more cool stuff to look into. May come back to add to this thread :)
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